Home » Blog » Sound Around Us » 28.3.2020 Original UI of the Web

28.3.2020 Original UI of the Web

This Original type we did not use in the end is the base of our final one, especially statement for its contribution to our web code learning process.

The Original UI were designed for a collection-like experience, which all of sound were put in a storage where the audience can have a looking. Moreover, the UI also carried the function of the works presentation, shown a part of our blogs. However, as this design messed up the immersive listening experience, we gave up this UI design soon; It still inspired us on the exploration of an immersive experience of a sound community, which support us to make the right choice on the way of good experience. 

Upload 4.4.2021/The re-make Original UI, which gave up at a too early stage


 Updated 4.5.2021/The Original Experience Page of each sound

It provides a visualized sound auto-animation, a location tag of the sound, and notes of the sound, additionally, showing the random other sounds below. 

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