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Tutorial with Chris & Review Discussion

After we had made our first few attempts, we brought the results to Chris to show. Although our experimental work is going well, Chris also offers a key and unique perspective.

The idea of our project comes from the large-scale shift of people to online and virtual space during the epidemic period. Through our project in the post-epidemic period, we hope that people will return to the real space, interact with the world again through multiple senses rather than a single screen, and urge people to rethink the relationship between themselves and the world.

Our initial presentation idea was to use the cube as an interactive medium to trigger different sensory effects on natural objects such as flowers, grass, water, soil, and wind by touching the cube’s surface. We expect to achieve this by providing auditory and visual virtual effects. Moreover, through the real-time sensor tracking of the audience to form the virtual image in the interactive scene to guide the audience to observe their interaction simultaneously.

However, Chris raised an especially key point — guiding the audience to feel what we are saying. Therefore, he recommended that strengthen the narrative elements, using explicit, suggestive, or clues to guide the audience to experience the project content within our framework to understand our value expression. Indeed, in our original conception, this kind of guidance and suggestibility is not enough to thoroughly guide the audience into our value expression.

Review – 22.11.2021

We then followed up the tutorial with a group discussion on “guided experiences & Narrative structure.” We distilled the critical narrative structure element of our idea — “transforming”. We need to integrate the experience process of “from virtual to real” and “the influence of subjective initiative” and combine our core idea of “the composition of the virtual world comes from multi-sensory reality; The modes of human interaction with the world are diverse and autonomous.

We reimagined the entire flow of the experience and significantly revised the flow of the experience. First, inspired by Chris, we set up two synchronized narrative lines to aid our expression. The first is to introduce physical objects into our experience: to put the real object in the box and reveal it at the end; Secondly, the real scene is introduced into our experience: the interactive progress is associated with the projected environment. With the end of the experience, the virtual projection in the interactive environment is gradually restored to the real scene.

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