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Tutorial Discussion – the new form of the experience to guide audience

We initially determined a new narrative flow, and initially constructed a new interactive scene and flow. We decided to extend the concept of the cube to the scene the audience is in, by treating the entire interaction scene as a magnified cube of information. In this case, we will be able to smoothly continue our previous interpretations of information, touch, and representation, and maintain the visual touch interaction of the “face” of the information (although the volume is different, but still in the within the concept of information interaction with representations). We plan to make three super large screens (we are going to make two screens to test first) and assemble them into a small cube scene. And put the previously made cube table in the middle of the scene, still as the end of the narrative. The entire narrative flow has not changed dramatically, but the main body of interaction has changed from a pick-and-place cube to a more controllable and interactive setting.

We communicated this new proposal with Chris, and he suggested that we can place this scene in a corner of the room, which can well divide our space in the exhibition scene. But he also suggested that we need to test the projection effect of such a large screen, including the installation, setting, and effect inspection of the projector. We have the same concerns about where to set the drop shadows and what to do with the resulting occlusion shadows. We think that projection can be solved by solutions such as suspension, and Chris also suggested that we can use rear projection to achieve this effect. But there are still a lot of things that need to be evaluated and we need to study, including the projector, the material of the projection screen and the production of the frame and so on.

And for the final reveal of the puzzles we designed in the cube table, we will still use the leaves as a real-world marker of reality, or a marker of nature. Below is our design for setting leaves inside the cube. But there are still many details missing. We will further refine the expression of this box in the discussion of refining the narrative flow and expression.

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