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IA – 4nd Ver. Reconstruction of the new trigger process and the real-time rendering system

The current system for real-time rendering and triggering system

This is the biggest reset we’ve had on the interactive system in recent times.

Almost all modules such as image synthesis process, out-of-order touch system, touch counting system, system reset function, etc., and the logic of inserting image and touch modules has been reorganized.

All Triggers have been reorganized to optimize the triggering effect. The composition of the trigger animation has also reorganized the different animation levels and changed the blending mode, so as to be able to add more animation content more clearly and efficiently. I also reset the system’s reset restore feature so that it can match any number of images. However, although the reset function is currently working well, there are still some software identification errors and unknown bugs that cause the reset module to have warning signs and possible instability risks.

After resetting this hybrid system, there is still a lot of work to be done. Because the blend mode change meant that the whole animation part of the hierarchy was changed, I needed to remake and export different animation images to match the current compositing module. This will be very time-consuming work, as the rendering of the animation will consume a lot of time.

After the entire imaging system is completed, it is necessary to test the stability and effect of its real-time synthesis. Such a large workload means that we may not be able to present all the work done by the time the module course is finally presented, even though we are still very busy trying to get it all done. But it is expected that all improvements and optimizations can be completed before the Degree show.

The previous refined system, which is much complex and difficult to add new modules than current one, but the new one has not been tested that a risk for us to show it on modules presentation

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