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Homo Insects – Extended research and improvement of the previous “observation” inspiration

Figure 1, Image of Homo Insectus

Homo Insectus is an interactive installation that emphasizes human contribution to the insect world and promotes a positive attitude towards these creatures.

Although this work intends to emphasize the impact of humans on the natural environment, animals, and plants, and focuses on insects, the audience’s body is constructed with insects to remind humans to protect the natural environment. But as the creator puts forward, participants can observe the influence of themselves, themselves, and the insect environment through this visual effect, and can also construct thinking and dialogue between the two. This kind of “observation” experience is unexpectedly related to my previous inspiration for multiple observations in People on People. For Homo Insectus’s visual effect that uses a depth sensor to automatically form a human body shape, I think this may be a form of helping us establish a corresponding “Virtual Character” for the audience in the project to build an observation experience.

Figure 2, Image I participated this installation art

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