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Touch board & Electric Paint Testing

Today, we previously nailed the nails to the board by means of an electric drill as a point of fixation and support for the board, after which some simple adjustments were required due to some problems with the size of the board. Now the boards are the right size and fit together perfectly, we tested using this special paint with tape on the boards. The touch function works in a reliable status.

Research on plants in cubes

Before the Easter tutorial, we had been having two options regarding the choice of cube contents. One use fallen leaves, leaves and branches of natural plants as the contents, and the other uses fallen leaves, leaves and hand-crafted branches for coordination. But the artefacts of these two are obvious and still subtly incompatible with our representation (although artefacts also fit well with the notion of the origin of the artifact). After discussions with Chris, we still maintain the previous consensus that the content should retain a large degree of natural properties (striping away artificial traces), which means that the inner leaf should be compatible with a natural creation. Chris suggested that we find some saplings and plants as contents, which are small but very characteristic. We think this is valuable advice and should be easy to find. But once again we estimated the difficulty of acquisition.

This category of saplings or miniature plants that meet our requirements is not as popular in current gardening stores. At present, most of the gardening or plant stores sell various special-shaped garden plants with distinctive styles for decoration. Whether it is from leaves, branches, or rhizomes, it does not conform to the virtual form we made. After we asked different people, we still haven’t found the right plant, which may be one of the focuses of our next conversation with Chris.

IA – 4nd Ver. Reconstruction of the new trigger process and the real-time rendering system

The current system for real-time rendering and triggering system

This is the biggest reset we’ve had on the interactive system in recent times.

Almost all modules such as image synthesis process, out-of-order touch system, touch counting system, system reset function, etc., and the logic of inserting image and touch modules has been reorganized.

All Triggers have been reorganized to optimize the triggering effect. The composition of the trigger animation has also reorganized the different animation levels and changed the blending mode, so as to be able to add more animation content more clearly and efficiently. I also reset the system’s reset restore feature so that it can match any number of images. However, although the reset function is currently working well, there are still some software identification errors and unknown bugs that cause the reset module to have warning signs and possible instability risks.

After resetting this hybrid system, there is still a lot of work to be done. Because the blend mode change meant that the whole animation part of the hierarchy was changed, I needed to remake and export different animation images to match the current compositing module. This will be very time-consuming work, as the rendering of the animation will consume a lot of time.

After the entire imaging system is completed, it is necessary to test the stability and effect of its real-time synthesis. Such a large workload means that we may not be able to present all the work done by the time the module course is finally presented, even though we are still very busy trying to get it all done. But it is expected that all improvements and optimizations can be completed before the Degree show.

The previous refined system, which is much complex and difficult to add new modules than current one, but the new one has not been tested that a risk for us to show it on modules presentation