Home » Blog » Sound Around Us » 11.2.2021-17.2.2021 Week Idea

11.2.2021-17.2.2021 Week Idea

After the last tutorial, ‘Eoches’, advised by Chris and Julie, is an interesting application of sound utility, in which the AR sound and the experiential sound walking inspired us more possibilities of the sound presentation.

Originally, the idea of our ‘sound community’ was focused on the ‘connection’ of people in the current isolation status, then the ‘Eoches’ extended the experiential edge the sound may approach. When I tried the ‘sound walking’, the synchronization of cross-sensory experience that physical position plus asynchronous sound recording brought me into an unique space of the world in feeling to some extent. This harmony with contradictory sound walking emerges the appropriate convergent media could be the spice of an experience.

It also reminds me of the film shown last year, I did not remember the name though, but it was impressive. Since the film is about narrative, a mysterious story via playing recording of a place and walking in real time, it could be seen as an example of the convergent media, according to the explanation of ‘Understanding Hybrid Media’ through the hybrid from process to result.

Though the aim audience is university students at the beginning as another direction of ‘Clubhouse’, we expand our mind into different possibilities. The crossing media of the examples support us to explore more suitable forms of our community, for the current situation especially. The individual property of each of us is enhanced under the restrictions, which means the monotony of life is enhanced as well. In this case, the experience of no matter sound or visual experience can rich the sensory of people, stimulating the repetitive life at some level.

What we have been working on is to converge the sound properly with the social activities in the quarantine. As a basic idea of it, I prefer sharing the sound of nearby people’s home, adding some visual effects generated by sound, which people can experience a different environmental sound at home. Obviously, the idea is still in a starting point, we are discussing the practice form of it in the range of our capability. 

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