Home » Blog » Sound Around Us » The thought of tutorial on 10.2 – The Entry of the Sound Community

The thought of tutorial on 10.2 – The Entry of the Sound Community

When referred several artworks, I found that the different forms entry to a sound project influence the audience’s experience and cognization. As in such case, therefore, reminding us how important the access is. After tutorial of 10.2, classmates work inspired me a lot. 

QR Codes, a block-encrypted graphic, becomes a significant role in the promotion stage since it provides a simple and easy access by a quick scanning. The similarity, however, are quite a issue we caught soon, as most of the QR codes are looks less difference, which results of a hard cognization of our own codes. 

As a solution, we were looking forward to a customised form of QR Codes. Fortunately, EFQRCoder, appeared our sight, provide a customised QRcodes image for attraction purpose, which can easily used on a IOS or Mac OS. Then, we put our Logo into this, generated a customised QR Code easily.

Updated on 30.3.2021 Click/Scan to SAU Home Page

Besides of this, following the clue of the QR Code, the NFC tag also provide us some new idea of the special entry out of range of the traditional link access.

Evenmore, we are also encouraged by the Soundwave Art project that provided a qrcode-based  pictural pattern to the audience to enter a project. 

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