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“Noise” is the main tone of the Sound Community

When I fistly listen to the Sakamoto’s works of the sound, it open a new door of the music to me, which shakes my mind. 

Sakamoto used the various sounds of the world to ‘constructed’ this music. He was walking on the streets, recording the sound of the leaf, the river, the rain… ”I just wanted to hear sounds of things, everyday things, even the sounds of instruments, musical instruments as things,” He said. I did something like he did, but his work presents the sound experience at a high level, a purer level, an immersive level, which is much better than mine I thought.

When I knew about ‘Async’, the async, disharmony music punch my heart at a second. Everything has a uniquely musical way to express its existence, for instance, the different but disharmony sound is a way of its meaning. This concept is quite complex, but I expect that the sound community can brought the feeling to the audience, the world is work like how Sakamoto said, “I’m suggesting we open our ears and listen to each sound without prejudice.” The world is async with the human in fact, though as human, we tried to discover and create some sync music or tones. Listening to the original sounds or appearance of the world may be a better way of understanding the relationship between people and nature. Particularly, when I recorded the noise or the sounds of the world, I gradually sync feeling with Sakamoto, seeming to touch the understanding of the mess of the world but not means that the world is work as a mess. All of the concepts or understanding or judgement are from a human point, but it totally different when viewing every detail sound as a part of the world. 

Sakamoto presented a truth or the life of the world to some extent, especially a world-like feeling, a chaotic state of the world can be experienced in his music, but the world is also full of vivid and lively of life, which is incredible. Anyone who wondered the secret of the sound world or the world should listen to this music, can enhance the understanding of the music and sound, more important, the understand of the life, in my opinion.

I also provide the link of ‘Async’ below, you can listen to it.

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