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Tutorial Review – The Exhibition of Nothing

After we presented our sound community SAU (updated 4.4.2021) to tutors, they were inspired by our idea of the visualized sound sharing. In this case, Julie gave us a advice that referring on the exhibition of nothing in Paris. This exhibition has separated 9 rooms for the visitors to experience and exploring, which significantly inspired us to sorting the various sound of our collection for the participators to experience the sound in series and sequels.

the introduction of the exhibition of Nothing

Along with this ‘Nothing’ but imaginative exhibition, tutors also have shown us another artworks, called Le Vide 1958.

Le Vide 1958

“The emptying and whitewashing of the place was for Klein a manifesto of immateriality, a concept central to his thinking. During his career he sought to embrace void and space by using different mediums as painting, sculpture, or performance.” from Le Vide 1958 intro page

The unique understanding to nothingness, recall me to the ‘async’ of Ryuichi Sakamoto, that presenting their life understanding to the audience in an impact form.

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