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Echoes — An excellent App of sound experience

When we explored the artworks related with sound, Julie provided us an extremely excellent sample, ECHOES, which inspired us on the sound sharing and experience significantly. 

Echoes provided an app as a platform to the audiences to participant in the other’s sharing sound content in some specific area or places, brought them into a sound-based virtual space to experience the common, but different at that moment, sound. When I tried to use it, I can easily find a number of creators created their own sound ‘track and trace’ on this app. All of those sound is sound different, and especially, when you want to start a sound travel, the process has emerged some sense of ceremony to me. 

For deeply experiencing, I also registered as a creator to join in this community, which I  found the creating process is also a simple but good travel with the sound, with the previous experience when I recording the sound. This project support me to think more about our sound community, what the form and style of our community should provide to the audiences. 


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