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First Discussion – Idea to Consensus

Initially, during the harsh travel conditions during the epidemic, we were fortunate to form a group and initially discuss our respective ideas before the meeting.


This course is an extension or deepening of the individual’s previous exploration, research, practice, and preliminary research, experimentation, and preparation for the next semester’s project. For me, the directions I want to explore include sound visualization, sensory experience, installation art, and some content related to psychology or perception.
And in this one, I really want to present a relatively pure concept, a clear point of view, and an outstanding presentation or experience. Therefore, I made several preparations in advance based on my previous explorations in noise, visualization, and psychological perception. First, I further explored Sakamoto Ryuichi’s sound artworks, including asynchrony, live noise experience, life, etc., and felt the unique experience of pure natural experience and the collision of chaotic noise with orderly musical instruments; second, I collected Several visual works to help me expand the final form of the project. For example, the artistic decorations “Magnetic Balls Table Lamp”, the photographic work “Sunset Reflection”, and the firework artwork “Starlight” have greatly expanded my thoughts on the form of expression or experience of the work and extended my study of the realization methods of various forms of presentation.

Third, I reviewed my previous projects and tried to further reflect and research on the previous projects. Finally, I rewrote the UI of the Sound Around Us project, wrote a new reflection study of Balance, and recorded the inspiration for the EPP project.

After determining our general direction, we put forward a number of very rough and wild ideas and considered the preliminary feasibility. Yixuan proposed that we can present this subject matter through film narration. However, even if we all agree that film will help us express, whether actors, prop design or shooting experience, we are three unfamiliar areas that we have never set foot in. , Which is too far from our previous exploration projects. So we refer to the types of projects the team members have participated in, and we initially determined that we will use the device with a space to help us explore and complete this project. However, we all agree that we need to do more research on the specific presentation form, refer to more artists’ works and understand the specific technical details before discussing. 

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