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People on People-the overlap between the unique observation and the observed

Figure 1, The photo that the viewer is experiencing

An installation designed to displace the public’s image in real-time, creating a platform for embodiment and interpenetration. The piece consists of floor-mounted projectors that cast the shadow of the public onto a wall and another set of hanging projectors which project images inside the shadows.

As the introduction of People on People said, this is a work composed of overlapping narratives. This project cleverly uses the characteristics of light and shadow, through the combination of projection and human shadow, allowing the audience to reconcile and observe changes in time and space.

This kind of design that allows the audience to interact and observe at the same time, it has some postmodernism, and it provides everyone with the experience of autonomous activities and understanding of themselves. But it is closely related to interpersonal society. Through the non-synchronization of projection and video, the audience is not only in the group, but also not in the real group. This kind of observer’s perspective resonates with the “observation” that I thought about in my previous project BALANCE, which explored the relationship between people and life during the epidemic. However, considering that the interactive narrative of our current project is still unclear, the inspiration that People on People brought to me may require some other research before it can be used to enrich the narrative of our project.

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