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Discussion – review the previous proposal and refine the uncontrollable part

The beginning of this project was far more difficult than I thought. Due to our previous plan, the degree of freedom of the audience is extremely high, which we intentionally retain. But in our tutorials with Chris, we found that audiences are extremely personal, highly autonomous, and difficult to be guided by weak rules. The cube and narrative process we designed for autonomous touch currently faces two unavoidable difficulties. One, how to recycle the project. Two, if it effectively guides the audience into the narrative flow we design. For the current design, we admit that this is a huge hidden danger that is difficult to avoid, but we still want to retain this “autonomous” interaction experience. This is contrary to directing the audience or restricting what the audience can do.

The previous discussion of the guidance of the narrative process, which has not solved the core issue of audience in the end

But as our internal discussion deepened, we realized that the space in which the project itself is located can be regarded as the carrier of the information space, that is, the same core of the information world that contains and accommodates each other and our cube is related. We came to a consensus that the currently interacting cube should be moved to a more controllable subject. But this undoubtedly requires us to reorganize the current interaction process, decompose and simplify the core interaction actions, and redesign it under the new subject.

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