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Tutorial & Framework Model

Tutorial Blog:

Today’s tutorial mainly focuses on the implementation of our project plan. First, I would like to explain in this record that our project has entered a difficult period of creative implementation. At this stage, we are faced with further polishing of creativity, as well as further exploration and experimentation of feasibility and technical requirements. Although we have done a lot of preparation work, the technical details involved in our idea are beyond our imagination. From the serial communication of Arduino to the process design of Touch Designer, as well as the simulation test of the whole space, and even the special effect design based on this, they all encountered modular challenges when they landed. A lot of details that we didn’t notice before are costing us a lot of time. At the same time, we are also faced with further polishing of creativity and further transformation of the interaction process. Complicating all of this is our narrative design so that each part is very connected. This is good for the audience, but a complex and error-prone job for the creator.

In this tutorial, we mainly clarify what we need to do most at the moment to help us advance each link in an orderly manner. Because of this complex detail, our previous plan could not meet our project advancement requirements. We are planning to use Notion to reorganize the plan and optimize team collaboration.

Throughout the project, we have currently completed basic touch sensor testing, selection and planning of special effects styles, measurement of installation space, design of frames and scaled models, and a large number of uncontrollable parts of the entire narrative process. innovation. But there is still a lot of practical work to be done, including but not limited to making proportional models, testing projection materials of varied materials, building a complete Touch designer interaction, testing multi-serial connections of sensors, making video effects, recording audio, and building practical devices.

In the previous plan in Notion, we further refined the project links, implemented each step and division of labour, and tracked the status by marking. And update the budget table in real time and do cost records and cost control.

New Draft for the Scale Model of Projection Frame:

This is a version of the optimized design after discussions with Liam. And in the final production, it is bolted to facilitate testing and installation of different projection materials.

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