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The finished frame & The methods to fix the Fabric

Shortly after we submitted the frame design, we received the Frame made by Liam. The wooden frame of the resulting frame was thinner and less rigid than we expected (due to its huge size), which meant that we couldn’t directly use the spring tension system we designed earlier to stretch the fabric. The wooden frame with some elasticity made us wonder if there was another way to stably hold huge pieces of fabric without wrinkling or waving.
While wearing a windbreaker with this, it occurred to me that Velcro with soft barbed hooks might be the perfect solution for us to secure the fabric to the elastic frame. The soft, easy-to-customize, and easy-to-install properties of Velcro meet our goal of combining soft materials with hard materials, and the huge lateral pull of Velcro meets our need to stretch fabrics without wavy lines.
In contrast, the bullet frame holder and magnetic holder we have investigated before are not as cheap, convenient and easy to use as Velcro. We randomly purchased Velcro to fix the fabric.

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