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EMS Workshop — Arduino LED Strip Lights

We intend to incorporate an Arduino light or light board into the box’s future design. After doing some research, I concluded that an LED Strip would be the best visual fit for the box we had in mind. This, on the other hand, was not something we were used to. So, we went to EMS to seek Connor’s assistance. He showed us the basic parts needed to install the strip as well as the code during this tutorial session. For us, he drew a simple wiring diagram for the connection. This tutorial was only a brief introduction to the LED Strip’s function and code because we didn’t have it and hadn’t used it before.
The important thing is that by talking to Connor we realised that mounting a light on a box is possible and adds to the possibilities of doing it successfully.

Connor briefly showed us the code.

Connor suggested that we schedule a tutorial with him when we receive the LED strip we had ordered online. He will teach us in detail how to assemble and link them. By the way, Connor’s schedule is full. Luckily, there is still a spot available next week and I have booked it. This time will not delay our progress and we can be sure that we get the stuff we need before the tutorial.

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